Oozie Server
Oozie Server is a server based Workflow Engine specialized in running workflow jobs. Workflows are basically collections of actions. These actions can be Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs, Pig jobs arranged in a control dependency DAG (Direct Acyclic Graph). Please check Oozie page
module.exports =
ssl: module: 'masson/core/ssl', local: true
iptables: module: 'masson/core/iptables', local: true
krb5_client: module: 'masson/core/krb5_client', local: true, required: true
java: module: 'masson/commons/java', local: true
db_admin: module: 'ryba/commons/db_admin', local: true, auto: true, implicit: true
zookeeper_server: module: 'ryba/zookeeper/server'
hadoop_core: module: 'ryba/hadoop/core', local: true
hdfs_client_local: module: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_client', local: true
hdfs_client: module: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_client'
hdfs_nn: module: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_nn'
hdfs_dn: module: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_dn'
yarn_rm: module: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_rm'
yarn_nm: module: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_nm'
yarn_ts: module: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_ts'
yarn_tr: module: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_tr'
mapred_jhs: module: 'ryba/hadoop/mapred_jhs'
hbase_master: module: 'ryba/hbase/master'
hive_hcatalog: module: 'ryba/hive/hcatalog'
hive_server2: module: 'ryba/hive/server2'
hive_webhcat: module: 'ryba/hive/webhcat'
spark_client: module: 'ryba/spark2/client', local: true, auto: true, implicit: true
oozie_server: module: 'ryba/oozie/server'
log4j: module: 'ryba/log4j', local: true
configure: 'ryba/oozie/server/configure'
install: [