MongoDB Shard (Distributed)
MongoDB is a document-oriented database. Distributed Version
Shard servers are mongod instances. They store the actual data of the mongoDB cluster. The are deployed as replicaset, each shard replicaset holds shards.
module.exports =
locale: module: 'masson/core/locale', local: true, auto: true, implicit: true
iptables: module: 'masson/core/iptables', local: true
krb5_client: module: 'masson/core/krb5_client', local: true, required: true
ssl: module: 'masson/core/ssl', local: true
repo: module: 'ryba/mongodb/repo'
config_servers: module: 'ryba/mongodb/configsrv'
shard_servers: module: 'ryba/mongodb/shard'
'install': [