Hue features a File Browser for HDFS, a Job Browser for MapReduce/YARN, an HBase Browser, query editors for Hive, Pig, Cloudera Impala and Sqoop2. It also ships with an Oozie Application for creating and monitoring workflows, a Zookeeper Browser and a SDK.
Link to configure hive hue configuration over ssl.
module.exports =
iptables: implicit: true, module: 'masson/core/iptables'
krb5_client: module: 'masson/core/krb5_client'
db_admin: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/commons/db_admin'
test_user: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/commons/test_user'
docker: implicit: true, module: 'masson/commons/docker'
mysql_server: 'masson/commons/mysql/server'
hdfs_client: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_client'
yarn_client: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_client'
oozie_client: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/oozie/client'
hbase_client: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/hbase/client'
hive_client: implicit: true, module: 'ryba/hive/client'
hadoop_core: implicit:true, module: 'ryba/hadoop/core'
hdfs_nn: 'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_nn'
yarn_rm: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_rm'
hbase_thrift: 'ryba/hbase/thrift'
spark_livy_servers: 'ryba/spark/livy_server'
spark_thrift_server: 'ryba/spark/thrift_server'
spark_history_servers: 'ryba/spark/history_server'
mapred_jhs: 'ryba/hadoop/mapred_jhs'
httpfs: 'ryba/hadoop/httpfs'
yarn_rm: 'ryba/hadoop/yarn_rm'
oozie: 'ryba/oozie/server'
server2: 'ryba/hive/server2'
webhcat: 'ryba/hive/webhcat'
'backup': [
'install': [
'masson/commons/mysql/client' # Install the mysql connector
'masson/core/krb5_client' # Install kerberos clients to create/test new Hive principal
'ryba/hadoop/hdfs_client/install' #Set java_home in ""
'ryba/hive/client/install' # Hue reference hive conf dir
'start': [
'status': [
'stop': [